Some of the finest horror stories return in Vault Comics’ 64-page Nightfall: Double Feature #2.
Nightfall #2 features a writing team of Daniel Kraus, Tim Daniel and David Andry with artwork from Chris Shehan and Maan House. Jason Wordie and Kurt Michael Russell add colors with letters by Andworld and Jim Campbell.
Cemeterians: While “skeletization” ravages the globe, causing chaos and death, Alan unveils Styx: a device capable of picking up signals from beyond the grave. After a chilling pet cemetery experiment, Alan and Ivy plug Styx into a human cemetery…and make contact.
Denizen: Enthralled by the malevolent force inhabiting an abandoned camping trailer, Helene’s behavior becomes more fractured, and her-soon-to-be husband Richard is at a loss as to how to help. Young Maya finds herself equally affected by a dark dagger she’s discovered, while her older sister Lily stumbles upon a ghastly clue in the desert that may explain it all… if she survives long enough to return to her family.
Formatting a comic series with two stories in single oversized issues is such a great way of experiencing comics. The all-star team of creators just adds to this format. We personally love the gruesome kills with outstanding artwork.
Kraus touched on his story, Cemeterians, on Episode 76 of the Capes and Tights Podcast which drops on January 18.
Nightfall: Double Feature #2 is available at your local comic shop starting on January 18 from Vault Comics. Check with your LCS about Nightfall: Double Feature #1 which dropped in October 2022.