The Walking Dead: Dead City is a spin-off television series created by Eli Jorné, based on characters Maggie and Negan from the original series. The six-episode series will debut on AMC in April 2023.
The series is set as the fifth installment in TWD Universe and shares continuity with the other series. Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan reprise their roles as Maggie and Negan respectively from the original series. Gaius Charles, Jonathan Higginbotham, Mahina Napoleo, Trey Santiago-Hudson, and Charlie Solis will also star.
Principal photography begun on July 19 in New Jersey and wrapped on October 24, 2022.
In the spin-off series, Maggie and Negan find themselves in a post-apocalyptic New York City in which survivors have made it their own world of anarchy, danger, beauty, and terror.
Dead City sees two of the longer tenured characters from The Walking Dead, who have most of the time not seen eye-to-eye, come together in a tv series based in NYC. The spin-off will be the firs TWD season premiere following the end of the original series after 11 seasons.
The original comic book was co-created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore. Charlie Adlard took over the art duties with issue seven. The comic began in 2003 and published by Image Comics, the series ran for 193 issues, with Kirkman unexpectedly ending the series in 2019.