Kill Train, written by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs and illustrated by Martina Niosi, is a brutal and strikingly original story that plunged into a chilling dystopian future where the solution to overpopulation in New York City is terrifying and disturbing.
To control the population explosion that nearly crippled the city, New York has instituted Kill Train, a randomized, extermination program where designated subway trains are picked at random, and all the passengers are slaughtered by the end of the line. In this not-so-distant future, we meet Vanessa, a struggling single mom in the midst of a nervous breakdown, who discovers that she, herself, is on a Kill Train. Now, for once in her life and with everything to prove, Vanessa decides she’s not going down without a fight.
This morbid lottery in Kill Train means any subway could become a death trap, creating an atmosphere thick with suspense and brutality right from the very first page. Olivia Cuartero-Briggs crafts a story that is unique and makes us question how far society might go when pushed to its limits. The concept itself was enough to hook me from the outset as I was intrigued by not only the horrors involved but the challenging of moral boundaries while exploring human resilience.
While the plot of the story revolves around these Kill Trains, the heart of the story lies in our protagonist Vanessa as she not only deals with this overpopulation problem but also trying to carve out space in the world for herself. She has a good life at home, but wants to find something that is her own. This characterization is rich, authentic and relatable. While her biggest hurdle is finding herself on a Kill Train–which is not relatable–I can see myself in her shoes with the rest of her life.
The unique story of Kill Train is only amplified by the outstanding artwork from Martina Niosi. The illustrations are clean yet imbued with just the right amount of grit needed for such a dark tale. Each panel serves as both the bright side and dark side of the life these people live in an overpopulated city. Niosi manages to maintain clarity amidst chaos without losing artistic edge—a balance that’s crucial given the story’s brutal premise.
I cannot wait to see how Venessa deals with being caught on a Kill Train in future issues of this series. With an intricate narrative that weaves tension, emotion, and societal commentary, Olivia Cuartero-Briggs and Martina Niosi have crafted a tale that leaves me in awe as well as chomping at the bit for more.
Kill Train #1 hits local comic shops on January 29, 2024 from Mad Cave Studios.