Lost Boy is an original graphic novel that follows the story of a young boy who is the sole survivor of a deadly car accident in the remote Wyoming wilderness. The OGN was written and illustrated by Jay Martin, an accomplished music video director, and lettered by Frank Cvetkovic.
The story is about a young boy who finds himself stranded in the middle of nowhere after a deadly car accident. He has no one around to help him and must rely on his wit and courage to survive. The story is not only captivating but also heartwarming. The way the writer weaves the story will have you rooting for the young boy and feeling his anxiety and hopelessness.
The illustrations by Martin are breathtaking. The art style is stunning, and it draws readers into the story from the beginning. The illustrations are perfect for the intended audience, but even adults will appreciate them. The images are so vivid that they enhance the storytelling prompting the reader to live every moment between the pages.
Lost Boy is a smooth easy read, meaning it will be an excellent addition to your next reading session. The writer perfectly captures the thrill of survival and the sense of overcoming adversity. It’s a story that teaches resilience and tenacity which is why it’s an excellent read for young readers.
Being stranded and isolated in the wilderness is not something anyone would want to go through, but it’s an experience that this young boy goes through, and the author helps us empathize with him deeply. It can be a rejuvenating experience to be lost in the wilderness, away from society. And, sometimes, being lost teaches us about life, and that’s precisely what Lost Boy is all about.
Lost Boy is an original graphic novel that is beautifully written and illustrated. It’s a heartwarming tale of survival and perseverance that can teach readers of all ages important life lessons. The young boy is an inspiration for anyone who has ever felt helpless and lost. It’s an impactful read that will leave you feeling good about life and your inner resilience. The graphic novel is a rich and rewarding journey that leaves the audience inspired and captivated. Though it’s marketed to 10-17 year olds, this is a story that will touch the hearts of anyone who reads it.
The Lost Boy trade paperback hits local comic shops on August 23, 2023 and at bookstores everywhere on August 22.