Welcome to the futuristic world of Love Me: A Romance Story, written by Francesca Perillo and illustrated by Stefano Cardoselli (Spillblood, Don’t Spit in the Wind) Set in New York City where robots have taken over various tasks, the story follows JoJo, a taxi-driving robot who unexpectedly falls for a passenger named Gilda, only to discover it is more than JoJo expected.
The artwork in Love Me is nothing short of fantastic. Stefano Cardoselli’s illustrations are both chaotic and picturesque, creating a unique visual experience that perfectly complements the storyline. Cardoselli’s unique style brings the futuristic world of New York City to life, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the story.
As you dive into the pages of Love Me, you’ll quickly become engrossed in JoJo life. Despite the fast-paced nature of the debut issue, the emotional depth of the characters shines through. The unexpected obstacles they will face add layers of complexity to their relationship, keeping readers on the edge of their seats and eager to see what happens next.
Francesca Perillo’s writing expertly captures the nuances of love and desire. The dialogue between the characters is witty and engaging, adding depth to their personalities and motivations. As you follow along their journey, you’ll find yourself rooting for love to conquer all obstacles.
Love Me: A Romance Story is a refreshing take on traditional romance comics, blending elements of sci-fi, and drama seamlessly. Francesca Perillo and Stefano Cardoselli have created a truly memorable world filled with love, danger, and unexpected surprises around the corner.
Love Me: A Romance Story #1 hits local comic shops on March 27. 2024 from Mad Cave Studios.