Missing on the Moon has emerged as a gripping detective tale that takes us to an alternate 1990s set against the backdrop of a lunar colony. Written by Cory Crater and visualized by Damian Couceiro, Missing on the Moon is a thrilling journey on the crime-riddled moon.
The year is 1997, and crime on the Moon runs rampant…and in the Lunar colony of Buzztown, a billionaire’s daughter has just gone missing. Washed-up private investigator Daniel Schwinn is tasked with finding the missing child, but in the process discovers a dark conspiracy stemming back decades…
Schwinn will have to navigate a world of undead drug addicts, mechanized robocops, and blue-skinned Soviets known as Darksiders to discover the truth. In doing so, he’ll have to confront his own allegiances, and try to atone for past mistakes since resurfaced.
What stood out for me from the start of Missing on the Moon was the simple fact that Cory Crater thrusts us into a story where we following a missing persons case on the moon without explaining how we have colonized the moon in the 1990s. This simple fact of skipping over those details and focus on the story at hand. Crater tells us a tale that could be based anywhere but uses the struggles, hurdles and boundaries of the moon to help add depth and give his story a twist. With great characters and place introduced the debut issue lays a foundation of what’s to come.
Crater’s script is amplified by the neon-noir visuals that lie within each panel from illustrator Damian Couceiro and colorist Patricio Delpeche. The artwork brilliantly complements the tale by infusing each page with grunge-infused lines and vibrant hues interspersed against somber tones. This thoughtful execution captures beauty, decay and a sense of mystery.
Missing on the Moon #1 by Cory Crater and Damian Couceiro succeeds at delivering not just another sci-fi escapade but rather crafting a crime mystery where they blend elements of the different genres seamlessly. Excited to see where this thrilling noir will go in future issues.
Missing on the Moon #1 hits local comic shops on December 18, 2024 from Mad Cave Studios.