Tag: Featured

Fearless Fred Kennedy

#107: Fred Kennedy

On Episode 107 of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes Fred Kennedy to the show to discuss his Image Comics series Dead Romans!⁠

Jonathan Hedrick | Quicksand | The Recount

#106: Jonathan Hedrick Returns, Again!

On Episode 106 of the Capes and Tights Podcast Justin Soderberg is joined by Jonathan Hedrick for his hat-trick episode to discuss his latest comic Quicksand at Scout Comics.

Heather Antos | Star Wars Week

#105: Heather Antos // Star Wars Week

On Episode 105 of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes comic book editor Heather Antos to the show to discuss her work in the world of comics as we continue Star Wars Week.

Star Wars: The High Republic

Star Wars: The High Republic Reading Order

The High Republic has ushered in a golden age of Star Wars storytelling, full of shining heroes and heartbreaking adventures. Brand new characters have emerged with captivating tales to tell – inspiring hope and courage along the way!

Will Sliney | Star Wars Week

#103: Will Sliney // Star Wars Week

On Episode 103 of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes Will Sliney to kick-off Star Wars Week and discuss his work in comics and more.


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