Tag: Reviews
Darling Girls

Darling Girls: Sisterhood, Secrets, Love, and Murder

Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth is a captivating novel that will keep you guessing until the very end. Whether you’re listening during your daily commute or relaxing at home, Darling Girls is a compelling story that will immerse you in a world filled with secrets and suspense. Don’t miss out this one.


Scowler: A Haunting and Horrifying Novel

Scowler by Daniel Kraus is a well written horror novel that pushes the boundaries of storytelling. With its haunting themes and unforgettable characters, this book will appeal to fans of horror novels looking for a deeply immersive reading experience.


Feral #1: A Suspenseful Feline Horror Story

Feral is an outstanding followup to the widely successful and popular Stray Dogs. Tony Fleecs’ masterful storytelling combined with Trish Forstner’s beautiful artwork make Feral a standout title in 2024.

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