Chuck Wendig is an author that doesn’t flinch in the face of the weird. His previous novel, Black River Orchard, managed to create a whole new, nefarious spin on a common fruit, leaving no produce aisle ever looking quite the same. It seems that when Wendig grasps an idea, no matter how mundane or malicious, creativity is bound to bloom. The Staircase in the Woods fortifies this idea, exploring every poignant, mesmerizing, and complex angle of friendships and the bond we forge in the strangest of ways.
A group of high school friends wander into the woods one night, only to stumble upon the strangest of sights, a staircase smack in the middle of the woods. While five friends enter the forest, only four emerge with the mystery of the vanishing staircase looming large. Flash forward twenty-ish years, and things don’t quite look the same for these friends as each has drifted into their own corners of life. Yet, one thing remains, the loss of their dear friend and the haunting reality of the staircase in the woods.
Anyone who has logged onto the internet in the last few years and spent any amount of time of Reddit is probably well aware of the infamous staircase-in-the-woods, creepy-pasta stories. While these make for fun, one-off ventures of terror, something much more sinister bubbles below the surface of these stories, something that Chuck Wendig has recognized and fleshed out in full force. A certain “wrongness” thrives within the mental image of a staircase, a manmade structure, existing in the vastness of the unruly wilderness. This sentiment carries The Staircase in the Woods into unthinkable territory as the foundation of friendships are tested in rather frightening ways.
Where this staircase leads is part of the mystery surrounding this novel, and thus one I will not spoil. But, what I can say, is that the vivid, imaginative, and sometimes torturous places (literal and metaphorical) these characters find themselves speak so loudly regarding the immense vulnerabilities of love and humanity. Wendig manages to shatter your heart and stitch it back together with this unique group of folks each complete with their own idiosyncrasies, flaws, and merits that feel so real. We all know the past comes back to haunt us, a truth that is all too real for these characters. Yet, we get a fresh spin on this narrative with a unique setting that lends itself to the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that fall through the proverbial cracks as we grow older. With every door opened, every room explored, and every struggle faced, Wendig brings us closer to the truth of love in all its forms. To say this is a haunting novel is a vast understatement with every choice existing as a ghost that lingers much longer than the turn of the page.
In what feels like an autopsy of the idea friendship itself, The Staircase in the Woods leaves a resonant notion that speaks to each reader individually, a truly haunting narrative. This is a novel that revels in the darkest corners of any room, transcending the strange to deliver an emotionally tumultuous journey of complex friendship. While there is plenty to love on the surface of this story, the underlying tones, reckonings, and reflections of each character echo with a resounding force, compounding to form one remarkable narrative. Harrowing for all the right reasons, The Staircase in the Woods gives depth to the topics we would rather leave shallow.
The Staircase in the Woods by Chuck Wendig releases on April 29, 2025 from Del Rey Books!