Galactic Comics and Collectibles, along with Capes and Tights are returning with Galacticon this year! An extraordinary one-day FREE throwback comic show is coming to Brewer, Maine in May 2025. Galacticon will feature modern comics, exclusive comics, vintage comics, graded comics, toys, comic creators and much more.
Galacticon is a throwback comic book show that pays homage to old-school comic shows. It is a single-day event, and the focus is mainly on comics, comic creations, and comic shops. This show is different from the current multi-day pop-culture conventions that have become commonplace and feature celebrity guests along with vendors of all shapes and sizes. It is a return to the early days of comic book shows when comic books and their creators were at the forefront. There is always a place in our geek world for pop-culture conventions, but Galacticon adds more to the scene.
The second annual event is set for May 31, 2025, at the Brewer Auditorium in Brewer, Maine and will once again be completely FREE. It is a celebration of the impact comics, and their creators have had on our world. Young and old comic enthusiasts from all over Maine and beyond, are welcome to participate in the event.
Galacticon will bring together over 50 vendors from local comic shops, online comic retailers, and independent sellers. Moreover, the show will feature comic writers, artists, letterers, and other creators from Maine and across the country. Visitors can expect to meet comic writers, get autographed copies of their favorite comics, meet artists, and buy comic books that complete your runs or fill a spot in your collection.
While there will be a limited number of TCG vendors, the focus at Galacticon ensures that the show remains primarily about comic books. It is an excellent opportunity for fans to support independent creators and make new discoveries. Attendees will also have the chance to buy and trade comics, toys, and collectibles directly from independent sellers.
Galacticon offers a mix of old-school aesthetic and modern sensibility. They who are commitment to preserving the legacy of comic books while embracing new platforms and medium. The show is a unique opportunity for comic enthusiasts to network with other fans, meet industry insiders, and acquire exclusive collections.
While Galacticon 2025 will be free to attend, keep an eye out on social media for more information about possible VIP entry and more.
Vendors, comic creators, artists or authors looking for a table at the event please reach out to us at to find out more!