The Hive, written by A.J. Lieberman and illustrated by Mike Henderson, takes a thrilling plunge into a world where crime, power, and suspense intersect in the most unexpected of places.
Mason Shaw is no one. A worker bee. All that changes when he crosses paths with a few stragglers trying to stay one step ahead of a queen with immense powers who is determined to control her hive no matter who she has to kill. Welcome to The Hive.
From the outset, The Hive thrusts us into an adrenaline-fueled journey that refuses to let go. Writer A.J. Lieberman wastes no time in establishing a universe teeming with violence and intrigue while cleverly using bees throughout. Lieberman seamlessly integrates complex storylines without overwhelming the readers. Each page offers just enough intrigue while tying together various subplots.
While I was intrigue by this new series in general, I really showed up for Mike Henderson’s illustrations. Henderson’s dynamic artwork elevates The Hive as a visual feast to the eyes. Henderson brings his signature style, which I fell in love with in Nailbiter, into this new venture with ease. His art captures not only the intensity of action scenes but also conveys emotional depth through character expressions and settings. Henderson’s artwork brings to life a thrilling storyline by Lieberman like not many people could.
Adding another layer to the visual brilliance of this issue is the coloring choices by Iñaki Azpiazu. The pairing of Henderson’s lines and Azpiazu’s colors create a visual spectacle that enhance Lieberman’s world-building efforts within the constraints of each page. It truly is a perfect synergy between scriptwriting and artwork that makes every panel leap off the page.
The Hive is a great addition to the crime genre while carving a path for itself. What A.J. Lieberman, Mike Henderson, and Iñaki Azpiazu accomplish with their debut issue is a compellingly unique experience. Lieberman weaves intricate drama and suspense against Henderson’s stunning artwork Azpiazu’s brilliant colors to craft a series that has me chomping at the bit for more.
The Hive #1 hits local comics on February 12, 2025 from Image Comics.