Tag: Featured

Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion Preview

Secret Invasion hits Disney+ on June 21, 2023 as the first Marvel Studios series to drop on Disney+ this year. “Who do you trust?”

Matthew Klein

#112: Matthew Klein Returns!

Episode 112 of the Capes and Tights Podcast sees the return of Matthew Klein to the show to discuss the comic book industry, his comic Crashing and more!

Nick Fury Agent of Shield

Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD Movie Review

On this bonus episode of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes back Paul Eaton to review and discuss the 1998 made-for-tv movie Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD.

The Flash (2023)

The Flash Preview

DC comic book fans are eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Flash feature film which finally speeds into the theaters on June 16, 2023 after many delays.

John Allison

#111: John Allison

This week on the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes John Allison to the show to discuss their Dark Horse Comics series, The Great British Bump-Off.⁠

The Flash

Who is The Flash?

Finally after multiple delays DC’s The Flash will hit theaters on June 16, 2023. However, before you head to the movies to see the film let’s find out a bit more about who is the Flash.

Giant Days | John Allison

5 Amazing John Allison Comics You Should Read

Comic book writer and artist John Allison joins the Capes and Tights Podcast for Episode 111 on June 7, 2023. To prepare for the conversation, we have compiled five comics by Allison you should read now.


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