Author: Justin Soderberg

Free For All #1

Free For All #1: A Brutal Vision of Capitalism

After reading Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees, anything by Patrick Horvath is a must read and this includes Free For All #1. The thrilling issue not only entertains but also challenges and provokes deep thought.


D7: Dive Bars Have Never Been So Horrifying

Philip Fracassi shows off his extraordinary talent to transform ordinary objects into sources of terror in his latest novella D7 where the seemingly innocuous and nostalgic jukebox becomes the centerpiece of an eerie tale set in an isolated dive bar.

Dark Pyramid #1

Dark Pyramid #1: An Icy Horror Adventure

Dark Pyramid by Writer Paul Tobin and illustrator P.J. Holden is a refreshing adventure-horror tale that invites us on a journey into the treacherous terrains of Mt. Denali in Alaska where nothing is as it seems.

Jumpscare #1

Jumpscare #1: A Violent Blend of Horror and Hero

Jumpscare by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Danny Luckert is a wonderful blend of the feeling you get from a big-two comic with what you’d expect in a indy comic lending itself to a unique reading experience.


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