The intriguing comic series, Forever Forward, written by Zack Kaplan (Mindset, Beyond Real) and beautifully illustrated by Arjuna Susini is coming to trade paperback this February. This series takes you on a thrilling journey through time and humanity.
Forever Forward is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating time travel tales that I have ever read. The central character of the story is an ambitious young scientist, who accidentally launches himself and his friends into the future with his untested time machine. They discover a mysterious message from their future selves, which reveals that they can only make it back to their present time by traveling steadily forward in time. From here, the story takes you on a series of time-jumping adventures, from apocalyptic wastelands to advanced robot-empires.
One of the most significant strengths of this story is its ability to carry emotions and weighty decisions. The characters are relatable and you quickly become invested in their struggles and triumphs. The story deals with headsy themes such as the fragility of the human experience, our relationship to ideas of civilization, and the consequences of our collective actions on our environment. Forever Forward’s storytelling is incredibly captivating.
The artwork in this comic book is truly outstanding. Arjuna Susini’s illustrations skillfully match Kaplan’s captivating narrative voice and create a world that is both hauntingly beautiful and treacherous. The characters are beautifully designed and are easily recognizable, and the detail in the art will make you linger over the pages. Brad Simpson‘s color palette used throughout the book is clear, crisp and expertly used to create an emotional response from the reader.
The dialogues in this series are another incredible aspect of the storytelling and the lettering by Jim Campbell display this. The script is well written and provides the character’s relationships with depth and authenticity, leaving you with a sense of the story’s heart. You will find yourself immersed in the stunning world of Forever Forward that is built on poignant insights into the human experience and the concept of time.
Forever Forward is a story worth reading, especially if you love time-travel adventure stories. The story’s excellent emotions, and big decisions, coupled with superb artwork and an outstanding script from Kaplan, will keep you glued to the pages. If you are looking for a thrilling and thought-provoking story that challenges your notions of time and humanity, then this comic book series is worth your time.
The collected edition of Forever Forward hits bookstores everywhere on February 6, 2024 and local comic shops on February 7 from Scout Comics.