Kill Train, written by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs and illustrated by Martina Niosi, is a brutal and strikingly original story that plunged into a chilling dystopian future.
The Slasher's Apprentice—a horror that blends classic slasher tropes with a Creepypasta twist—coming soon from Mad Cave Studios!
Writer Ed Brisson joins the Capes and Tights Podcast for Episode 207 on January 22, 2025. To prepare for the conversation, we…
While we are not the official voice of your decision, this week we preview Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon #1, Blow Away…
Mad Cave Studios is thrilled to announce Buried Long, Long Ago, a new five-issue miniseries by Anthony Cleveland and Alex Cormack.
There are a number of movies based on comics that you might not even know originated in comic books or graphic novels.
While we are not the official voice of your decision, this week we preview Behemoth #1, You Won't Feel A Thing #1,…
Behemoth by writers Grant Sputore & Ryan Engle and artist Jay Martin is a compelling tale enriched by fantastic artwork brimming with…
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