Tag: Comic Books

#216: Chris Condon

#214: Chris Condon

This week on the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes comic book writer Chris Condon to the program to discuss his comic series Far Down Below and more!

Dark Pyramid #1

Dark Pyramid #1: An Icy Horror Adventure

Dark Pyramid by Writer Paul Tobin and illustrator P.J. Holden is a refreshing adventure-horror tale that invites us on a journey into the treacherous terrains of Mt. Denali in Alaska where nothing is as it seems.

One Path

PREVIEW: One Path Original Graphic Novel

Written and drawn by Greg Broadmore; One Path is a visceral exploration of progress versus tradition, the fearsome cost of change, and the primal drive to defy the status quo.

Jumpscare #1

Jumpscare #1: A Violent Blend of Horror and Hero

Jumpscare by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Danny Luckert is a wonderful blend of the feeling you get from a big-two comic with what you’d expect in a indy comic lending itself to a unique reading experience.

Matthew Rosenberg

#211: Matthew Rosenberg

This week on the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes comic book writer Matthew Rosenberg to the program to discuss his upcoming comic series We’re Taking Everyone Down With Us.

Steve Foxe

#210: Steve Foxe

This week on the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes comic book writer and editor Steve Foxe to the program to discuss his upcoming Let This One Be a Devil comic and more!


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