Tag: Featured

Dr. Strange

#155: Dr. Strange (1978) Movie Review

This episode of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes comic book retailer Paul Eaton back to the show to discuss the rarely seen 1978 Dr. Strange movie.

Ram V

#154: Ram V

This episode of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes Eisner-nominated, award-winning author and comic creator Ram V to the program to discuss Dawnrunner and more!

10 Tremendous Comics by Ram V You Should Read

10 Tremendous Comics by Ram V You Should Read

Eisner-nominated, award-winning author and comic book creator Ram V joins the Capes and Tights Podcast for Episode 154 on March 6, 2024. To prepare for the conversation, we have compiled 10 comics Ram you should read.

Liz Kerin

#153: Liz Kerin

LISTEN:  APPLE  |  SPOTIFY This episode of the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes author Liz Kerin to the program to discuss their book Night’s Edge

Madame Web

Madame Web: A Disappointing and Lackluster Effort

Superhero movies have become a staple in our entertainment world, with fans eagerly anticipating each new release and something we of course focus on. Unfortunately, not every film hits the mark, and Madame Web is a prime example of that.


#152: Punisher Movie Review

This week on the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes back comic book retailer Paul Eaton to the program to discuss the 1989 Punisher movie.


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